Schantz, Roy (male)
Father16 Jan 1893Schantz, John S.
Mother22 Oct 1894Christophel, Minnie
DeathAfter 27 Mar 1972per father's obituary, still living
The only reference so far of his existence is being mentioned in his parents' obituaries. Listed as living in Elkhart, IN as of 19 Jun 1960.

Schantz, Bertha (female)
Father16 Jan 1893Schantz, John S.
Mother22 Oct 1894Christophel, Minnie
Birth16 Apr 1918per SSDI
DeathDec 1986per SSDI
The only reference so far of his existence is being mentioned in his parents' obituaries. Listed as living in Nappanee, IN as of 19 Jun 1960. She appeared to be unmarried in 1960, but married in 1972 per her father's obituary. Per the SSDI, there was a Bertha Hochstetler of the correct age range whose last address was in Sterling, Wayne Co., OH. Until proven otherwise, this is the Bertha whose birth and death dates are listed here.

Hochstetler, Lester (male)
Birth30 May 1914per SSDI
DeathDec 1973per SSDI
Per the SSDI, there was a Lester Hochstetler of similar age range to Bertha whose last address was not available. Until proven otherwise, this is the Lester whose birth and death dates are listed here. The other most logical person listed was 9 years younger, with a last address listed in Langrange Co., IN.

Family of Schantz, Bertha & Hochstetler, Lester
MarriageAfter 19 Jun 1960Per mother's obit, unmarried, bur married per father's obit

Schantz, Martha (female)
Father16 Jan 1893Schantz, John S.
Mother22 Oct 1894Christophel, Minnie
DeathAfter 27 Mar 1972per father's obituary, still living
The only reference so far of his existence is being mentioned in his parents' obituaries. Listed as living in South Charleston, OH as of 19 Jun 1960.

Living (male)

Schantz, Edith (female)
Father16 Jan 1893Schantz, John S.
Mother22 Oct 1894Christophel, Minnie
DeathAfter 27 Mar 1972per father's obituary, still living
The only reference so far of her existence is being mentioned in her parents' obituaries. Listed as living in West Liberty, OH as of 19 Jun 1960.

Living (male)

Schantz, Ruth (female)
Father16 Jan 1893Schantz, John S.
Mother22 Oct 1894Christophel, Minnie
Birth9 Aug 1919per SSDI
DeathApr 1974per SSDI
The only reference so far of her existence is being mentioned in her parents' obituaries. Listed as living in Troy, OH as of 19 Jun 1960. Per the SSDI, there was one Ruth Adams listed from Troy, OH, and she matched the logical age range. Until proven otherwise, this birth & death information is listed here.

Living (male)
There is no John Adams listed in the SSDI for Miami Co., OH (where Troy is located). Therefore, because of the common nature of his name, nothing further can be determined for John without further independent information, or even if he has yet died.

Schantz, Erma (female)
Father16 Jan 1893Schantz, John S.
Mother22 Oct 1894Christophel, Minnie
DeathAfter 27 Mar 1972per father's obituary, still living
The only reference so far of her existence is being mentioned in her parents' obituaries. Listed as living in New Castle, PA as of 19 Jun 1960.

Living (male)

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