Christophel, Alice (female)
Father6 Jun 1868Christophel, Eli J.
Mother7 Jan 1872Hartman, Martha
Birth25 Aug 1896IL, Livingston Co., Cullom
Death29 Sep 1971IN, Bloomington
The only reference so far of her existence is being mentioned in her parents' obituaries. Listed as living in Elkhart, IN as of 26 Jan 1962. Shown living at home in 1949 at time of her father's death.
Her obituary was found online at, a collection of obituaries from the GOSPEL HERALD, a Mennonite newspaper of note.
Christophel, Alice, was born in Cullum, Ill., Aug., 25, 1896, and died at Bloomington, Ind., Sept. 29, 1971; aged 75 y. 1 m. 4 d. She is survived by one brother (Lewis). She was a member of the Prairie Street Mennonite Church. Funeral services were held at the Hartzler-Gutermuth Funeral Home Oct. 1, in charge of Russell Krabill; interment in Olive Cemetery.

Christophel, Lewis (male)
Father6 Jun 1868Christophel, Eli J.
Mother7 Jan 1872Hartman, Martha
Birth11 Oct 1912per SSDI
DeathJul 1982per SSDI
The only reference so far of his existence is being mentioned in his parents' obituaries. Listed as living in Nappanee, IN on 19 Jun 1960, Bloomington, IN as of 26 Jan 1962, and Lagrange, IN in Jul 1949.

Christophel, Minnie (female)
Father6 Jun 1868Christophel, Eli J.
Mother7 Jan 1872Hartman, Martha
Birth22 Oct 1894IL, Livingston Co., Cullom
Death19 Jun 1960OH, Logan Co., West Liberty
Listed as living in West Liberty, OH in 1949 at time of her father's death.
Her obituary was found online at, a collection of obituaries from the the HERALD of TRUTH, a Mennonite newspaper of note.
Shantz, Minnie, daughter of Eli and Martha Christophel, was born Oct. 22, 1894, at Cullom, Ill.; died of a heart attack, June 19, 1960, at West Liberty, Ohio; aged 65 y. 7 m. 28 d. She was married on Dec. 22, 1915, at Cullom, Ill., to John Shantz, who survives. Also surviving are one son (Roy, Elkhart, Ind.), 5 daughters (Erma --Mrs. Earl Parkinson, New Castle, Pa.; Ruth-- Mrs. John Adams, Troy, Ohio; Edith--Mrs. Paul Grody, West Liberty; Martha--Mrs. Ernest Phillips, South Charleston, Ohio; and Bertha, Nappanee, Ind.), one brother (Lewis, Nappanee), and one sister (Alice, Elkhart, Ind.). One sister preceded her in death. She was a member of the Oak Grove Church, where funeral services were held June 21, in charge of Nelson Kanagy.

Schantz, John S. (male)
Birth16 Jan 1893IL, Livingston Co., Cullom
Death27 Mar 1972OH, Logan Co., Bellefontaine (Mary Rutan Hospital)

Family of Christophel, Minnie & Schantz, John S.
Marriage22 Dec 1915IL, Livingston Co., Cullom
GirlUnknownSchantz, Erma
BoyUnknownSchantz, Roy
GirlUnknownSchantz, Edith
GirlUnknownSchantz, Martha
Girl16 Apr 1918Schantz, Bertha
Girl9 Aug 1919Schantz, Ruth

Christophel, Sarah (female)
Father6 Jun 1868Christophel, Eli J.
Mother7 Jan 1872Hartman, Martha
BirthCalc 2 Feb 1900IL, Livingston Co., Cullom
Death27 Apr 1905IL, Livingston Co., Cullom
The only reference so far of her existence is being mentioned in her father's obituary as having predeceased him.
Her obituary was found online at, a collection of obituaries from the the HERALD of TRUTH, a Mennonite newspaper of note.
Christophel.- Sarah, daughter of Elias and Martha Christophel of Cullom, Livingston Co., Ill., died April 27, 1905; aged 5 Y., 2 M., 25 D. The child died of diphtheria and was ill only three days. Her remains were interred in the Sullivan Center cemetery. She leaves father, mother, two sisters, grandparents, great-grandparents and a host of relatives to mourn her early departure. Funeral services were held May 28th, conducted by Peter Unzicker and J. L. Neinger, from Matt. 19:14.

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