Hartman, Samuel (male)
Father14 Dec 1839Hartman, Henry
MotherAbout 1844Hirstein, Barbara
BirthAbout 1868IL

Hartman, Theodore (male)
Father14 Dec 1839Hartman, Henry
MotherAbout 1844Hirstein, Barbara
BirthAbout 1871IL

Hartman, Katy (female)
Father14 Dec 1839Hartman, Henry
MotherAbout 1844Hirstein, Barbara
BirthAbout 1877IL

Hartman, Ida (female)
Father14 Dec 1839Hartman, Henry
MotherAbout 1844Hirstein, Barbara
BirthAbout 1879IL

Hartman, Anna (female)
Father23 Jul 1800Hartmann, Peter
MotherCalc 24 Apr 1810Fry, Hannah
BirthCalc 25 Feb 1837OH
Death10 Dec 1888OH, Putnam Co.

Miller, Jacob (male)
BirthAbout 1832Hess Dams (not sure where that is yet)
DeathAfter 10 Dec 1888per wife Anna's obituary, still living

Family of Hartman, Anna & Miller, Jacob
MarriageAfter 1860per 1860 census, Anna shown as single
Anna's obituary does not mention any children, living or dead. None are shown in the 1870 or 1880 census.

Hartman, John Franklin (male)
Father14 Jul 1843Hartman, George
Mother30 Oct 1850Wertman, Lavina
Birth24 Mar 1870OH
DeathAfter 1911per 1911 Ashland, OH city directory

Hartman, Laura Jane (female)
Father14 Jul 1843Hartman, George
Mother30 Oct 1850Wertman, Lavina
Birth25 Apr 1871OH

Living (male)

Family of Hartman, Laura Jane
Girl1896Meckling, Grace Alvina
Girl1900Meckling, Faye Geneva

Hartman, Henry E. (male)
Father14 Jul 1843Hartman, George
Mother30 Oct 1850Wertman, Lavina
Birth14 Mar 1873OH

Living (female)

Family of Hartman, Henry E.
Girl Living
Boy1899Hartman, Ray Earnest

Hartman, Mary (female)
Father14 Jul 1843Hartman, George
Mother30 Oct 1850Wertman, Lavina
Birth18 Jul 1875OH

Freer, Joseph (male)

Family of Hartman, Mary & Freer, Joseph
Girl Living
Boy1896Freer, Paul Harvey
Girl1900Freer, Glorine May

Hartman, Ercil Eugene (male)
Father23 Jul 1893Hartman, George Cloyd
Mother2 Jul 1896Wertman, Rhea Ethel
Birth9 Mar 1921Unknown

Oberholtzer, Ruth Lucille (female)
Birth5 Oct 1921Unknown
Death3 Jul 2002Unknown

Family of Hartman, Ercil Eugene & Oberholtzer, Ruth Lucille
Marriage24 May 1942Unknown
Boy Living
Boy Living
Boy Living
Girl Living

Hartman, Morgan Ellsworth (male)
Father23 Jul 1893Hartman, George Cloyd
Mother2 Jul 1896Wertman, Rhea Ethel
Birth23 Jul 1923Unknown
Death21 Mar 1992Unknown

Hartman, Gail Edwin (male)
Father23 Jul 1893Hartman, George Cloyd
Mother2 Jul 1896Wertman, Rhea Ethel
Birth1 Sep 1925Unknown

Arnet, Helen Gene (female)
Birth12 Nov 1925Unknown

Family of Hartman, Gail Edwin & Arnet, Helen Gene
Marriage9 Sep 1960Unknown

Hartman, Robert Lee (male)
Father23 Jul 1893Hartman, George Cloyd
Mother2 Jul 1896Wertman, Rhea Ethel
Birth5 Aug 1929Unknown

Boyer, Lucille May (female)
Birth15 May 1930Unknown

Family of Hartman, Robert Lee & Boyer, Lucille May
Marriage26 Sep 1954Unknown
Girl Living
Boy Living
Boy Living

Hartman, Jeffrey William (male)
Father25 May 1931Living
Mother17 Jul 1940Living
Birth2 Sep 1962Unknown
DeathFeb 1996Unknown

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