Spindler, Charles Leroy (male)
Father12 Oct 1876Spindler, John Purdy
Mother2 Jun 1883Stoll, Cora May
BirthAbout 30 Oct 1913Unknown
Death20 Aug 1989OH, Franklin Co., Hilliard

Good, Mary (female)
Birth2 Jan 1916Unknown
Death29 Jun 1978Unknown

Family of Spindler, Charles Leroy & Good, Mary
Girl Living
Girl Living

Spindler, Harold William (male)
Father12 Oct 1876Spindler, John Purdy
Mother2 Jun 1883Stoll, Cora May
Birth6 Sep 1910Unknown
Death29 Apr 1980Unknown

Myers, Emma (female)
Birth8 Mar 1910Unknown

Family of Spindler, Harold William & Myers, Emma
Girl Living

Spindler, Hazel Elizabeth (female)
Father12 Oct 1876Spindler, John Purdy
Mother2 Jun 1883Stoll, Cora May
Birth16 Apr 1907Unknown

Shriver, Lawrence Edward (male)
Birth23 Jan 1903Unknown
Death16 Nov 1976Unknown

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