Patton, Joseph (male)
Father1 Oct 1759Patton, Joseph, Sr.
Mother8 Apr 1761McClintock, Margaret
Birth16 Jun 1786KY, Bourbon Co. (then VA)
Death12 Jan 1854OH, Shelby Co.

Stephenson, Abigail (female)
FatherAbout 1760Stephenson, Thomas
MotherAbout 1764Black, Rachel
Birth9 Feb 1790KY
Death30 Dec 1869Unknown

Family of Patton, Joseph & Stephenson, Abigail
Marriage27 Oct 1812KY, Bourbon Co.
Boy5 Jul 1813Patton, William
Girl16 Dec 1814Patton, Rachel A.
Girl18 Sep 1816Patton, Margaret S.
Boy15 Dec 1818Patten, Joseph C.
Boy6 Jan 1821Patten, Thomas Stephenson
Boy27 May 1823Patten, John S.
Boy2 Oct 1825Patten, Hugh Torrence
Girl16 Jun 1827Patten, Sarah J.
Girl28 Feb 1830Patten, Mary E.
Boy25 May 1832Patten, (Unknown Infant)
Boy14 Jun 1833Patten, Robert Alexander

Patton, Joseph (male)
Father1 Oct 1759Patton, Joseph, Sr.
Mother8 Apr 1761McClintock, Margaret
Birth16 Jun 1786KY, Bourbon Co. (then VA)
Death12 Jan 1854OH, Shelby Co.

Shannon, Margaret (female)
Father1743Shannon, John
Mother1749Alexander, Susan
Birth27 Jan 1785Unknown
Death19 Jul 1811Unknown

Family of Patton, Joseph & Shannon, Margaret
Marriage15 Feb 1810Unknown
Girl12 Apr 1811Patton, Margaret S.

Patton, Margaret S. (female)
Father16 Jun 1786Patton, Joseph
Mother27 Jan 1785Shannon, Margaret
Birth12 Apr 1811KY, Bourbon Co.
Death16 Mar 1815KY, Bourbon Co.

Patton, William (male)
Father16 Jun 1786Patton, Joseph
Mother9 Feb 1790Stephenson, Abigail
Birth5 Jul 1813KY, Bourbon Co.
Death5 Jul 1902OH, Shelby Co., Orange Twp., Hardin

Laughlin, Martha Ellen (female)
Father31 Oct 1782Laughlin, John
Mother27 Jul 1788Broly, Jean
Birth2 Jul 1827OH, Jefferson Co.
Death30 Oct 1903Unknown

Family of Patton, William & Laughlin, Martha Ellen
Marriage5 Mar 1851OH, Shelby Co.

Patton, Margaret S. (female)
Father16 Jun 1786Patton, Joseph
Mother9 Feb 1790Stephenson, Abigail
Birth18 Sep 1816KY, Bourbon Co.

Shaw, William (male)
BirthAbout 1815Unknown

Family of Patton, Margaret S. & Shaw, William
Marriage22 Sep 1842OH, Shelby Co.

Patton, Joseph, Sr. (male)
Birth1 Oct 1759Unknown
Death1 Sep 1822KY, Bourbon Co.
There is a lot of confusion concerning the Pattons of this time. Many were from the same area in PA, and many intermarried. Many McClintocks were also from this area. Dr. David Agricola has done quite a bit of research on these Pattons, which I still need to digest and check myself. In addition, there are a couple other researchers with slightly different interpretations of the extant data which I must also compare; needless to say, Joseph and his possible parents are still a work in progress.

McClintock, Margaret (female)
Father1701McClintock, Joseph
MotherUnknownTorrence, Elizabeth
Birth8 Apr 1761Unknown
Death18 Feb 1838KY, Bourbon Co.
It is questionable whether Joseph McClintock and Elizabeth Torrence are Margaret's parents. The age discrepancy is quite large, and research by others shows Elizabeth as dying in 1758, well before Margaret was born. However, there is no way Margaret could be the daughter of Joseph's son, also named Joseph, who married Rebecca Patton, according to research done on early families of Bourbon Co., KY. A web page listing the marriages presided over by John Linn of Centre Presbyterian Church in Sherman's Valley, Perry Co., PA, shows Joseph McClintick and Rebecca Patton marrying the same day as Joseph Patton and Margaret McClintock (18 Sep 1783). However, the same Patton & McClintock research shows Margaret as being born in 1758, implying a possible death in childbirth? Also, other research with the McClintock family shows three children supposedly being born after Elizabeth Torrence died, but no second wife was mentioned; this is a mystery yet to be cleared up.

Family of Patton, Joseph, Sr. & McClintock, Margaret
Marriage18 Sep 1783PA, Perry Co., Centre Presbyterian Church
Boy16 Jun 1786Patton, Joseph

Patton, Rachel A. (female)
Father16 Jun 1786Patton, Joseph
Mother9 Feb 1790Stephenson, Abigail
Birth16 Dec 1814KY, Bourbon Co.
Death5 Sep 1839OH, Shelby Co.

Patton, Carl Eugene Hayes (male)
Father14 Jun 1833Patten, Robert Alexander
MotherAbout 1829Herring, Eliza Jane
Birth22 Nov 1876OH, Shelby Co., Turtle Creek Twp., Sidney
Death16 May 1960CA, Los Angeles Co., Santa Monica

Webb, Jessie (female)
BirthAbout 1880Unknown
DeathAbout 1908Unknown

Family of Patton, Carl Eugene Hayes & Webb, Jessie
MarriageAbout 1901Unknown
GirlUnknownPatten, Lucy Leda
Girl1901Patten, Ruth
Girl1901Patten, Jessie Jean
BoyAbout 1908Patten, Robert

Patton, Gertrude G. (female)
Father14 Jun 1833Patten, Robert Alexander
MotherAbout 1829Herring, Eliza Jane
Birth15 Sep 1878Unknown
DeathBefore 4 Sep 1956Unknown

Living (male)

Family of Patton, Gertrude G.
Girl Living

Patton, Patt (male)
Father1894Patten, Harry Allen
Mother1892Mendenhall, Berintha Zella

Wakefield, Alva Lee (female)

Family of Patton, Patt & Wakefield, Alva Lee
Girl Living
Boy Living
Girl Living
Girl Living

Living (female)
Father1921Patton, Patt
Mother1920Wakefield, Alva Lee

Beery, Craig (male)

Living (female)
Father1921Patton, Patt
Mother1920Wakefield, Alva Lee

Landers, Roger Wayne (male)

Family of Landers, Roger Wayne
Boy Living
Girl Living

Patton, Louise Marie (female)
Father1894Patten, Harry Allen
Mother1892Mendenhall, Berintha Zella

Lawson, William L. (male)

Family of Patton, Louise Marie & Lawson, William L.
Girl Living
Girl Living
Boy Living
Boy Living
Boy Living
Boy Living

Patton, Carl Eugene Hayes (male)
Father14 Jun 1833Patten, Robert Alexander
MotherAbout 1829Herring, Eliza Jane
Birth22 Nov 1876OH, Shelby Co., Turtle Creek Twp., Sidney
Death16 May 1960CA, Los Angeles Co., Santa Monica

Banta, Lula (female)
Birth27 Dec 1879Unknown

Family of Patton, Carl Eugene Hayes & Banta, Lula

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